Vote on our Poll!
Technology Students Association
Skills USA
Future Business Leaders of America

Site Development

When I created this site, I focused on making it easily accessible and navigable. Since it was for the school, I also wanted it to be made in up-to-date with today’s highest web standards. To do this I had to hand code the website from scratch. I wanted it to have several features that would bring visitors into the site including a drop down menu that works in the majority of browsers including Internet Explorer 6. The website was also designed to contain a lot of information, so I wanted it to have a way for visitors to easily find what they were looking for. So besides the easily used navigation, I utilized a Google search bar that made it so users could search the content of the site for what they were looking for. This site also has a secondary navigation that makes it possible to reach any page without having to use the multilevel navigation. This site also uses rollover images and an interactive poll that makes the website interactive based on the actions of the user.

When actually creating the site I used Microsoft Expressions Web 2 to hand code the site using div based XHTML and using external CSS Style sheets to customize and manipulate the information on the pages. For all the pictures I used Adobe Photoshop CS4 to optimize the pictures to create web ready images and graphics and then inserted them into place as they were needed. For the videos I used Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 to place the videos into their places and the Spry for the calendar. Then to make sure that the site agreed with the W3C standards and Accessibility standards, I tested the site in various online testers and the site passed as XHTML 1.0 , CSS 2.1 , and passed based on Accessibility Standards..

As for copyright issues, all of the information, images, and videos were used with permission by the Polk County High School technology department. Also, the poll was borrowed from and all copyrights were followed. The Google search was used with permission from Google. The Skills USA, TSA, and FBLA logos are all used with permission from their respective owners.