Web 3


What will Web 3.0 look like, and when will it arrive? Our team has several predictions as to what the future of the World Wide Web will hold. We have coupled our own predictions with those of some of today's top leaders in the advancement of the web to provide you with a look into the future. Prepare to boldy go where no man, except for the people visiting this site before you and lifelong Star Trek Fans, has gone before.


Craig Hordlow, Chief Search Strategist

Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of Netflix

Eric Schmidt, a Google stalwart

Tim Berners-Lee, Creator of the Internet

Ben Hunt, Lead Web Designer with Scratchmedia

TSA Team Member Predictions


  • Google Apps

    Google Apps is a series of apps that make use of cloud computing to decentralize information. With Google Apps, one can create, view, and share data with ease.

  • Cyc

    Cycorp was founded in 1994 to research, develop, and commercialize Artificial Intelligence. Cycorp's vision is to create the world's first true artificial intelligence, having both common sense and the ability to reason with it.
